Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Over the last few weeks, we have looked at the art of Andy Goldsworthy.  We watched parts of the documentary Rivers and Tides and looked at some of his books.  For today's Earth Care Club meeting, we would like each of you to write a few sentences (5 or more) about the experience.  You may consider what you like about Andy Goldsworthy's art, how you felt about the art you created in your groups, or why an Earth Care Club may study Andy Goldworthy.  Be sure to check your spelling, use complete sentences and sign off with you username.


  1. I love how he used different shades and colors with the leaves its awesome how he used black soil in the middle, I thought that it was like a black rabbit hole or something I never would have guessed that it was black soil!!!! Really great job.


  2. I really enjoyed the Andy Goldsworthy experience.
    I really enjoyed the movie and when we brought in the nature things and got to make things like Andy Goldworthy would.
    I really really like this project because it really tought us about what nature really can make a difference and it is also beautiful know matter what.

  3. I loved what we did studying Andy Goldsworthy! It was so fun! I think we studied Andy Goldsworthy because he doesn't harm nature when he makes his sculptures, and he is very creative with nature! My favorite sculpture that we made was the curvy line that went through the rocks. It almost looked like a snake! Very creative!!

    -Bee Green

  4. Earth Care Club might study Andy Goldsworthy because he loves the earth. He doesn't use any artificial materials in his sculptures, which is good for the environment. I really liked making the sculpture. It required a lot of thinking to figure out how to use what you have. I like the way he will make something, and then the next day, it's gone, and he never gets discouraged! This amazes me because whenever I work on something really hard, I can't stand it when something or someone destroys it. This is why I liked studying Andy Goldsworthy.


  5. I love the way he used the ice. But how did he do that?
    He is helping the planet because he is using nature for his art instead of art supplies. Andy Goldworthey has really good at what he does. I hope he does not quit what he does!

    planet earth

  6. I liked learning about Andy Goldswothy because he makes things out of nature. It is really cool to see his sculptures. I am inspired by him because he only makes things out of nature.


  7. I enjoyed seeing Andy Golsworthy's creations , they really inspired me.
    I really had fun making my own creations. I like how Any Goldsworthy only uses things from nature to build his amazing sculptures.

  8. Through the past few weeks I have learned many things. One of witch is that artists don't have to use paint or glue or brushes to make things beautiful, they don't need man made objects to make things meaningful. Learning about Andy Goldworthy has taught me some of these things but I have learned some myself. My favorite sculpture is the ice one where the ice was wrapped around a tree. Another thing I like about Andy Goldworthy is that he leves his sculptures in nature and doesn't touch them.

  9. I like how Andy Goldsworthy uses nature to make art, but he leaves his artwork in nature and sometimes is goes away. I think that making the artwork out of nature like Andy Goldsworthy was very fun because we got to make whatever we wanted. We also got to express our ideas. I think ECC studied Andy Goldsworthy because he only uses things from nature, and leaves his artwork were he makes it. This was a very fun activity.
    --green skittles

  10. I think we are studying Andy Goldsworthy because he makes his art out of stuff from nature. He never uses things that aren't from nature. I liked how this year in ecc we built art out of nature. Because last year we didn't do anything like this. I also think Andy Goldswothy's art is really cool.

    -Earthy Edna

  11. I think that Andy Goldsworthy is very important to the environment because he uses all natural tools or parts of his object. He uses only things that he finds around him. I really enjoyed building our own creations from the natural things that we all brought in. I like how Andy Goldsworthy makes things that he knows will flout away, or will melt, but he will still take the time and effort to build them. I think that I am like Andy Goldsworthy because we both love art and we both love to build.
    -YoYo Earth Bubbles

  12. I really liked learning about Andy Goldsworthy because we got to see lots of really cool art. I really liked making our own art to. We had to collect 50 things from home and bring them in to make stuff with. It was really fun coming up with ideas for what to make and making it. It was really fun.

  13. I think that all this art was very clever. I do wonder who started it?
    Was it Andy Goldsworthy ? I honestley don't Know. All the art is
    really cool.

    From leaf man$

  14. I like how Andy Goldworthy just uses nature for his sculptures. I also think it is very fascinating how he make things stick together. I love how we did the same thing as him.

    Green Goldfish

  15. I think we study Andy Goldworthy because he does his art on only nature.
    And earth care club is about saving the earth and learning about nature.
    I Iiked working with the sunflower seeds.

    -eath rocks

  16. I think Andy Goldsworthy is part of nature because he makes things of nature. He inspires me because he doesn't use things that can pollute the Earth. Andy Goldsworthy is such a great artist. I am like Andy Goldsworthy because I like nature. Also because I like art so I am like Andy Goldsworthy .

    Miss Mother Nature

  17. I think this project was fun because we really experinced what it was like to create sculpures out of earth. It was a little frustrating because if we messed up, all of our work could collapse. This inspired me to do this at home. Of course, our work wasn't as awesome as Andy's, but still awesome.

    -Stone Leaf

  18. I love to go outside and make stuff out of twigs every time I have the chance to. I hate to use any artificial products. When it comes to nature I like to challenge myself a little bit more every time. What I like about Andy Goldsworthy is that he is always doing the best he can to make his art perfect. I wonder how long it takes him to make a ice sculpture that curves


  19. At earth care club where lerning about Andy Goldsworthy art. My favorite materials are sticks and leaves.

    your friend

    nature rules
